The most time-consuming project was creating my own website on Wix.com. I didn’t know where to begin when I began creating my website and I have never been more thankful for general templates until that moment. A pre-made template was helpful since I didn’t know what tools and editing components did what. I was nervous using the website since it was quite technological and it took a large portion of my time just learning how to even post a blog. I knew the overall aesthetic I wanted and the color scheme. The color scheme matches my overall blogging theme of Travel and Wellness. Since I had written a large portion of my blogs on travel, I knew my welcome home page had to include my professional headshot and then an image of my travels. I picked an image of Greece since it fit the color scheme I was going for and was mentioned in a few blogs. After I found my aesthetic, I had to then face the most time-consuming part of this entire process: posting all of the blogs in their correct category with all of the necessary corrections.
While this entire process took me hours to complete, it was worth seeing the final outcome. My website evolved into what I had been picturing the entire time and the aesthetic made it more visually appealing. I learned how to create my own website, how to post blogs in their proper categories, and how to create an easy to follow layout. This will help me later in life because at some point in my career, I will likely have to work with the company’s website. I want to work in brand marketing so what I have learned with building my website will be beneficial.
Website Creator:

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